Women Are Heroines, Not Trophies

Today, March 8th, is International Women’s Day.
We’re celebrating this day with energy and joy, and we want to wish all women a fantastic day!

That being said, we must acknowledge with some shame that our regular team does not include any women. However, we’re glad that there are talented women in the studios behind the games we publish or port.

While we are far from having eliminated all traces of sexism, we are proud to have contributed, in our own small way, to feminism in retro gaming with #SpyBros, our remake of Pipi & Bibi’s.

As many of you already know, in our remake, we removed the nude women who originally appeared as “rewards” after completing each area. We believe that portraying women as sexual objects is wrong—especially in a game that, without those images, is now rated PEGI 3.

But we didn’t just remove those erotic images; we also added new narrative elements to the game, including cutscenes, a final boss, and two heroines!


Spy Bros. is actually two games in one: Spy Bros. and Spy Sis.

In Spy Bros., you play as Pipi and Bibi, and the gameplay remains identical to the original (aside from new additions, such as bonus levels and difficulty-balancing changes).

However, upon reaching the end, a cutscene reveals that a special enemy—supposedly removed from a previous level due to our so-called “censorship”—has returned as the final boss. This boss captures the protagonists, leaving them no choice but to send an SOS text message.

At this point, the game transitions from Spy Bros. to Spy Sis., and from then on, you can only play as Mimi & Gigi, the female characters, until you complete the story.

The levels are mirrored, and the Spy Sis. characters do not have stun-ray guns. Instead, they have unique abilities: sprinting, sliding attacks, and taunting enemies to grab their attention.

After completing all six zones, the Spy Bros. are rescued, leading to a final boss battle where players must rapidly switch between the male and female characters—combining their skills to escape and finish the game.

This final minigame is quite challenging, but the reward is worth it: a final cutscene and the satisfaction of having completed the game. And in a way, there’s an implicit message: Everything works out when men and women respect each other and work together.

But above all, the takeaway is clear:
Women are heroines, not trophies!

Thank you for taking you time to read this!

As a special reward for your curiosity, I’m revealing for the first time the true identities of Mimi & Gigi!

They aren’t alternate reality versions of themselves, nor are they their wives. They are their daughters!

  • Pipi, the man in blue, is the father of Gigi, the woman in purple.
  • Bibi, the man in red, is the father of Mimi, the woman in cyan.

If that sounds surprising… well, let’s just say their families are very close.

Now, put your phone down and go enjoy the day with the amazing women in your life. 😘

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